Peridot-an interesting gem

August, summer, and peridot, a member of the olivine family.

Peridot seems to be a gem that is either loved or hated for its colour.  It ranges from a greenish yellow to a beautiful yellow green.  The yellow undertone giving the green a brightness it may not have otherwise.

Peridots have some properties that contribute to being a desirable gem.  The luster of peridot Is vitreous which means light reflects off the surface brightly.  The hardness contributes to the luster, being 6.5-7,  which allows the polish to be done well.  This hardness also allows for a reasonable wearability of the gem.

An interesting growth feature sometimes found in Peridot is called a lily pad inclusion for its resemblance to the lily pad. This inclusion when seen, would immediately identify peridot. Another interesting feature is the strong double refraction, which can be observed by looking through the crown facets and seeing the pavilion facet edges looking as if there were 2 edges instead of 1 edge.

A memorable gem is peridot and since early civilizations belief has held that this gem has the power to protect and drive away fears and nightmares. It also gives off the “inner radiance” which sharpens the mind by opening it up to new awareness and growth.

A most interesting gem!

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